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Special Issue

Published Special Issues

Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environments

Data-driven Health Decision Making and Bibliometric Studies in Health


Special Issue Policy
Submission of Proposals

1. There are two ways to edit a Special Issue:
1.1 Invitations: Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología periodically invites renowned academics to coordinate Special Editions on highly topical issues, emerging trends or relevant topics within the scope of the journal. 
1.2 External proposal: To propose a special issue for our journal, we kindly request that interested parties send their detailed proposals directly to The proposal should clearly outline the title of the special issue, scope, the main topics covered, along with the information about the guest editors (ORCID, Scopus Author ID, Web of Science ResearcherID, and a brief biography).
2. Evaluation: All proposals undergo rigorous scrutiny. The Editor-in-Chief evaluates both the depth of content and the competency of the guest editors. We uphold the highest standards of relevance and expertise. Proposals that don't align with these benchmarks may be declined.

Ensuring Content Pertinence
Guest Editors bear the responsibility of handling the submissions to the Special Issue. Guest Editors make decision recommendations which are finally approved by the Editor-in-Chief.

The Guest Editors, in coordination with the journal's editorial board, will set a timeline for the Special Issue. Details, including submission deadlines, will be published on our official website.

Conflict of Interest
For our publisher, maintaining transparency is paramount. All editors involved in the peer-review process must divulge any prospective conflicts of interest that might compromise the objectivity of evaluations, reviews, and editorial decisions. Should an Editor confront a conflict, a recusal is mandated to uphold the transparency of the review. Editors must formally apprise the publisher of potential conflicts before commencement and as and when new conflicts emerge.

Editorial Procedures and Peer Review
1. Preliminary Scrutiny: The editorial committee will initially screen submissions to the Special Issue, setting aside those that don't match the established quality standards, innovation, relevance and alignment with the journal's aim & scope. Articles may be sent back to authors for refinements before the peer review phase.
2. Peer Review: Special issues will follow the same editorial process and principles stated in our authors guidelines and publication ethics. Articles forwarded to the review stage undergo by a rigorous evaluation by experts in the field, matching the scrutiny given to regular journal submissions. Guest Editors facilitate this process via the journal's digital submission and review platform. Once reviews are consolidated, Guest Editors will formulate a provisional decision, subject to affirmation or not of the Editor-in-Chief. The overseeing editorial team has the discretion to reject submissions or the entire Special Issue if the content does not align with quality benchmarks.
3. Resolution of Disagreements: In instances of editorial disagreements, the Editors-in-Chief hold the final say, ensuring the seamless flow of the editorial process.